In a world filled with unintentional messages, a population sick to death of being pitched to, and all of us starved for authenticity, intentional communication is sorely needed.

We know how advertising works. We know how propaganda works. There is an incredible opportunity to use the same methodology in an empathetic and ethically conscious way.

Puree Fantastico brings structure and strategy to small businesses, soul to corporations, and sense to the design industry. 


Cultural Viscera

Is CV a product or a service? Right now it's both.
It allows the use PF’s methodology and approach across a large number of applications. 

This example uses Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" as a sample of a large, densely layered media subject, allowing a user to visualize and easily analyze the density and complexity of design messaging, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking.

While many people mistakenly believe that design is a visual approach, it is actually a problem solving tool. CV represents PF's 16 year approach to design and problem solving as a product.

The software allows users to input their media including messaging, commercials, campaigns, and visuals for it to be translated into what is being communicated. This can be used by corporations, agencies, governments, organizations, brands, and creators

Once the analysis is complete, users can easily visualize what messages would be received by their audience before they move forward with their campaign or direction, potentially saving that client from a ton of PR nightmares and saving dollars.

Use cases include:

For AI applications where it allows a robust and nuanced narrative framework to be constructed by analyzing dataset samples for inclusivity, empathy, and emotional recognition as well as bias and relevance.

For agencies, in terms of vetting their concepts and preparing the concepts for pitching, so that the companies wouldn't even be tempted to sign up for dangerous work to begin with.

For small businesses, to show them what opportunities are missing and where they can strengthen and refine their approach.

For film makers, serving as a sounding board for symbolism within the work or communication amongst the team.

For governments, for testing the waters before reaching out to constituents.



Semiotic Curation within a given piece (film or story),

Clarity around themes and how to represent them visually, verbally, or structurally

Production Design & Direction,

Styling Direction

Sound Curation

Consulting & Translating between the team

Pitch decks

Storyboard & Sequencing

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